LIFT Playgroup provides an opportunity for children from birth to 5 years and their parents to interact with each other through play and talk in a relaxed, social and fun learning environment. Our sessions are planned to include; reading, craft, gross and fine motor activities and outdoor play. On Friday we offer a play based music session for all families.
Imaginative play opportunities are created by the variety of toys, dress ups and play equipment provided for both indoor and outdoor play. It is exciting to watch our children and parents play, read, sing, dance and create together but more importantly have FUN together.
If you want to join in the fun with LIFT you can book your spot by emailing - To have a look at some of the latest things happening in LIFT check out the 
LIFT OFF sessions are delivered by a teacher with the assistance of a teacher aide. Together students are immersed in literature and hands on ‘fun’ activities focusing on oral language, metalinguistic skills, early numeracy and fine/gross motor skills. Children transition to prep classrooms and school playgrounds to develop familiarity. Parent workshops are delivered by outside agencies and school personnel on topics related to child readiness for school during this time.