


At Dalby State School, each class has Physical Education Lessons organised and delivered by a specially trained Physical Education teacher.  Students from Prep to Year 6 undertake an 8 week swimming program in Term 4. As well as swimming skills, the program teaches the children basic survival and safety skills. Swimming is invoiced in Term 3 and is on a user pay basis. 

As well as participating in games and skilled structured lessons, students have the opportunity to compete in Cross Country, Athletics and Swimming Carnivals throughout the year. Students also have the opportunity to be selected to represent the school, Bunya District, Darling Downs and Queensland School Sport via a series of sport specific trials. Before school and lunch time coaching is available through the Sporting Schools program. Other competitions available to students during the years include the Dalby AFL schools competition, Development Cup Rugby League, All School’s Touch Football, Netball and Rugby Union.

Parents are advised that the Department of Education does not have Personal Accident Insurance cover for students.

Sports Houses and Colours

Cunningham:         Regatta Blue               Oxley:              Gold
McGregor:              Red                               Leichhardt:     Jade Green 


Last reviewed 06 February 2023
Last updated 06 February 2023